Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Can I buy any mother board to put surrounded by my computer for an upgrade?

My computer maxes out at 512mb push. So Im thinking my next move is to upgrade my motherboard. so i can little by little upgrade my computer more thouroughly. How do I know what mother board i should choose. I want to use the parts I have to start. So i inevitability something compatible with a celeron processor and window xp.


Can I buy any mother board to put surrounded by my computer for an upgrade?

if you have socket A, do a complete overhaul------there are so various celerons. i dont know how to start. but basing on your memory span its either socket A or, socket 370, which are already discontinued.

ailing do a complete overhaul if i were you---- attain a pentium 4 cheap nowadays socket 478 or socket 775.

save your hard drive if it is all right, your optical drives if it fast ample, your power

supply must be at least 400 watts. your satchel if it awesome

just be sure that they are compatible near one another...

The answers post by the user, for information only, does not guarantee the right.

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