Friday, September 17, 2010

Can someone explain to me how to fix the nouns on my computer?

In the device inspector it had an ! indicating my driver be not functioning properly. But I can not find the driver in donate or remove programs.

Can someone explain to me how to fix the nouns on my computer?

Hardware drivers aren't exactly programs, so you won't find them in the Add/Remove Programs folder surrounded by the Control Panel.

Is your sound card built into your motherboard, or is it a seperate card that be installed?

When you look in the Device Manager, nearby should be some type of identification of your nouns card, it may say Realtek, Creative, or any other capitalist name. Look for a number beside the first name.

When you have an theory of what company makes it, you budge to their web site, look for downloads and type surrounded by your model name.

If you merely suddenly lost your sound, you can click on the drivers tab within the device manager and choose rollback the driver commonly that will work and is the easiest solution.
then u involve to search for a proper driver for ur nouns card.

If ur sure abt the name and the copy then try surrounded by

then reinstall the nouns driver, might fix the problem.
You look in device checker, if you see yellow put pen to paper on it right click on it then click update.
are you sure you plugged it contained by right and installed it right? check or replug it in. if it still doesnt work try start>control panel> supply hardware and try to add on at hand another place to look is start> Control Panel> Sounds and Audio devices and go to hardware check if it works properly
same entity happended to me but a different audio....try this go to start <run<type surrounded by sndvol32 ..hope that works...

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