Friday, September 17, 2010

Can I put my Dell computer contained by hibernate mode?

I want to put my Dell desk top computer contained by hibernate mode, can someone tell me if this is concrete? If not how do I go going on for it and how to wake it up? Do I even really want to do this? I rarely turn my computer stale as the printer messes up when I turn it off and on and enjoy to do this because of the way it's installed into the p.c.(if monitor go off it won't come on till printer is off) nice huh?

Can I put my Dell computer contained by hibernate mode?

Go to your start menu and choose shut down. When the shut down pane comes up, pick hybernate or standby from the pull down menu. Your computer will dance to sleep and you wont be able to work on it. To rouse it up just click on the mouse or hit on the keyboard. This is a appropriate idea to solve the problem you described. Good luck

The answers post by the user, for information merely, does not guarantee the right.

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