Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Checking my computer?

Is here a sftware that checks my computer parts status ( CPU - Harddisk - Cash - Memory - Ports )

if they where fuctioning flawless or not.

e.x. tells my if i enjoy problem on my CPU...

Checking my computer?

go to


type dxdiag
You can also run a Check Disk at startup (may hold an hour or more depending on the size of the hard drive, it will attempt to fix bleak sectors) http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/using...

Afterwards you may want to consider running a System File Checker (SFC). This can be run in Safe Mode should you prefer. To win into Safe Mode either hold down or hit the F8 key repeatedly while the computer is starting up. To run SFC, close adjectives applications such as Office, Messenger, Email, etc, and go to:

- Start

- Run

- Type within sfc /scannow (include the space before the / )

What SFC does is that it attempts to fix or replace critical operating system files. Sometimes this can be done minus the installation disk, however it may prompt you for the appropriate operating system installation disk. If that is the

shield, then you know that you distinctly have folder corruption or something missing. Insert the disk if prompted. Also you should run SFC using the Administrator account.

Don't surf, play games or do anything while SFC runs. After it is completed, reboot your computer.
shift to start>run>type cmd>in the black blind type chkdsk

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