Friday, September 17, 2010

Can i use DDR2 RAM for the intel 845GVSR motherboards?

I want to know whether 845GVSR can support DDR2 ram's?Please give support to..

Can i use DDR2 RAM for the intel 845GVSR motherboards?


you have to use DDR strike, the slots are different and any way it wont fit within the ram slot.

if you want more information on knock against click:

my suggestion is intel 845 GV is pretty old and you cannot run contained by future OS. so please exchange near new laptop or sell it . buy unmarked one with well brought-up configuration on your budget.

now DDR3 RAMs are releasing soon within the market. so be smart
yes its fine
very well made a mistake intel 845gv doesnt support ddr2 while yours does.
how old is the m/b??? what you can do is run to a site called it checks your system and tell you what you can use or any others you can use it even tells you how frequent slots you have and update what in it presently... most of the new m/b use ddr2 very soon
DDR and DDR2 are two different styles of ram so if it DDR next DDR2 wont even fit in the knock against slot
no, you can't because you are using 845 board and p-4 processor it only support ddr1 strike. ddr2 ram are supported solely in 915, 945, 946 etc mother boards
sorry but no you can't use ddr2 strike on 845 chipset u have to use ddr1 push
how old is the m/b??? what you can do is progress to a site called it checks your system and tell you what you can use or any others you can use it even tells you how heaps slots you have and convey what in it very soon... most of the new m/b use ddr2 in a minute

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