Friday, September 17, 2010

Can my computer run 64bit?

it sais amd64 liveon the font

its a duo core amd athalon 3.2cpu

Can my computer run 64bit?

It would run but why you want X64?

The solely major ascendancy of running a 64-bit OS is if you have 4GB or RAM or more.
It can, as long as you enjoy a 64 bit operating system.
yes it will and it won't run anymore unless you update it .
A 32 bit chip can run a 32 bit OS. A 64 bit chip can run a 64 bit OS and a 32 bit OS in emulation mode. The OS will not behave any differently, however, applications might.
Yes, as long as you are using a 64 bit OS and can find drivers for that OS. You should see a concert increase with cpu and memory intensive applications. There is no valid need to switch to 64-bit since 32 bit is still the most popular and have the best support.

apt rental

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